Thursday, February 27, 2020

What is the Value of Honor?

͋When we are prosperous, the value we place on honor hides itself but is there so that only the Holy One can see it. The American Civil War was caused defending honor when a Massachusetts man insulted a South Carolinian so Southerner hit the Yankee with a cane which the US Senate’s website says, “The nation, suffering from the breakdown of reasoned discourse that this event symbolized, tumbled onward toward the catastrophe of civil war.” A person’s greatest element is honor.

͋Jesus often calls for trials and pain in His children’s lives to create a greater faith in them even as the Lord tested the Israelites with food as Deuteronomy 8:3 says, “He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.” NASU When humans we receive pain, we are tempted to call the Holy One evil but faith accepts the apparent chaos as the will of the All Mighty as Mike mason said in his book The Gospel of Job, “The moment we start to think we can discern some pattern to the ways of the Lord, we draw dangerously near to idolatry.” (pg. 40).

͋ Our help and enemies are our friends and relatives so that their encouragement often feels like a curse, but the Lord brings them into our live to remind us of the necessity of our pain for Her Glory. the Eternal light gives Light and life  to those in the greatest despair and pain as Micah 7:8 says, “Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.” NASU To the Child of the Holy one it is faith which is the anchor of reality to hold in suffering so that in jealousy the pagan world condemns faith, choosing the mind or the occult.

͋ Demons mock man being right with his creator as angels rest in awe of the Path of salvation open to humanity. Even demons believe in God and glorify Him. When we face our own suffering, we must seek the Lord’s face alone disregarding the accusation of people around us as Job 5:8 says “But as for me, I would seek God, And I would place my cause before God;” NASU
͋In darkness, The Holy grants a greater wisdom and incite then the great minds of the West. Men without honor have enjoyed that lack of rule that build respect like Sherman and Kitchener burning farms and homes to force a surrender. The All Mighty made a golem for a groundskeeper and called it “man” but humanity cannot force the hand of the Lord. The sign that you are a honorable child of God is His punishment as Hebrews 12:6 says, “FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES.” NASU

͋ Lack of social justice condemns one’s self, but seeking to help the social outcast spell success.  Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest who people call racist fought for the rights of African Americans after the war but died in poverty. Rightness is clouded to humanity.

͋ The Lord may punished his followers for their sins, teach them faith though sorrow or let them suffer at the hands of them that do not know Him; however, the Almighty will give them a hiding place named Shalom. Only by the grace of the divine that one can see the light of holiness even when we cannot see His Face. Those who walk with the Lord though darkness not seeing His hand know He will heal and vindicate them. But, each person sins and rightfully is harshly punished for breaking even the smallest command, but not at the same time. Those who ingest vial, swine's flesh have wretchedness poured on them with cancer and other judgments.
͋Wealth cannot buy wisdom, but wisdom creates wealth. Honor is its own light. In suffering, the only thing one can keep is honor.      


  1. go into more detail on the civil war part!

  2. What good is honour? Can you eat honour

  3. What good is honour when you are rotting in a grave? What good is honour when you are crying your eyes out without end? Wars never have victors! There is no such thing as victory in a battle! It is all tears! It is all pain! Nobody can ever discuss anything ever! There can only be endless pain! Politics can never answer anything! It can only bring tears and grief without end! Women do not want men to fight for them! That is what honour systems do not understand! Women want to be free! When a woman is rescued, you are telling that woman that she is not capable! That is the worst insult that a female can receive!
