Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Where is the True Path?

Truth is golden. Without Torah, everyone believes what he says and does is right with no correction so he falls by his own choice. We must do service for the Lord in a unity body, soul and spirit for the more one meditates on the divine, the smaller one becomes.

 I am a Morrison, and that heritage in Scotland, people pay good money for the honor or even symbols of it like claymores. Honor is its own light so that a heritage is brilliance which is come by humility before the Lord. Others must give greatness, for it is meaningless to claim it yourself. Honoring a wicked person destroys a country.

 Even as Hitler was caused by the Great Depression, those with cool heads and supplies in bad years are given leadership.  The wicked may gain power but righteous stand in judgment of them. We must fight for holiness. Even as Don Juan seduced a thousand women by his speech, words are worth more the gold.

The greatest expression of Love is the Messiah laying down his life on the cross to redeem sinners as the Father made Love and name him Yeshua. Yeshua is the incarnate Torah never abolishing it so that men reject those who see this making them ugly to all. Action make a person more beautiful the mere appearance.

The wisest investment a man can make is to pay a matchmaker for a good wife. God has commanded marriage so that one’s spouse is the plum line of beauty, but one must wait to sample of each other until marriage. Sexual desire was created by the Holy One to unite one man and one woman in a covenant until death, even as the Exodus from Egypt bound the Holy One to Israel.

The Love in covenant is not in Western logic even as the French called the Prophet Movement of the 1700’s insane. As the Messiah return, once more there will be such an expression of the divine Wind that no one will deny it. Women need to be affirmed in their appearance as Don Juan in the film “Don Juan” says, “I say that all women are dazzling beauties.”  Opening on self to pain is the only way to truly love.  The True Path is hidden like an oasis in the desert.


  1. Truth may be golden, but only because it is so very hard to determine! Our senses lie to us all the time.

  2. 🦄Pourquoi pensez-vous que vous pouvez comprendre la réalité? Tes sens te mentent tout le temps! Essayez de dire que vous ne savez pas! Ce n’est pas si difficile à faire! On ne peut jamais faire confiance à vos yeux et à vos oreilles! Le goût est évidemment faux! Odeur i une blague de bébé! Personne ne wants vérité! Ils veulent seulement que leur équipe gagne ! Est-ce que quelqu’un se soucie d’où vient le monde ? Non, tu veux que ton équipe gagne !
    Les chrétiens veulent que le créationnisme gagne, et les anti-théistes veulent expliquer pour gagner! Est-ce que quelqu’un se soucie qui a réellement raison? non! Cela peut vous choquer, mais pas tous les gens acceptent la science! Les gens qui n’acceptent pas la science devraient-ils perdre leurs droits à cause de leurs croyances? Les gens de Dixie ont peur de la science à cause de ce que les scientifiques fédéralistes leur ont fait pendant la guerre civile! Les Sudistes ne devraient-ils pas avoir le droit de ne pas être tourmentés par ce qui leur fait mal ? La vraie vie n’est pas un match de basket-ball!

  3. Can anybody ever know reality? Can anybody ever know anything my for certain?

  4. Can anybody ever know anything for certain? Our senses lie to us all of the time
