Thursday, October 29, 2015

 There is a song by Zachary Richard called Réveillez! ( It gives a history the Cajun people (In Cajun French) of the trial that brought them to Louisiana. But the name of the song can be translated as “alarm clock.” Yet one cannot truly seek the Messiah without remembering father Avraham and the greatness of God in history. The alarm clock is also a call to purity in body and soul for it is God makes firm your steps. In this, one truly sees Yeshua who was crucified for our rebellion against the Torah and the Tetragrammaton.

This gives us the command to heal the nation tikkun olam in ordinary life both in preach Yeshua and in helping the poor with physical needs. This is the reason why Elohim in Human flesh came to earth to bring healing to the sick and freeing those in bondage both spiritually and physically. Only to a return to the Love of God came on seek to heal others for God is both a loving father and a judge.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

One error in North American Christian Culture is an obsession to “look” Christian. (I normally wear a yarmulke which is an acrostic in Hebrew for “Fear the Lord.”) It applies not only to dressing in “Jesus saves” T-shirts but also to the entire “Faith Based” enterprises. Hiding behind a verse does not mean it is Holy. There is no fear of Hashem in this. Every church accuses every other church of working their way to heaven not realizing they themselves are only concerned with appearance. Therefore, there is a curse on us for this fighting and hypocrisy.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wealth is one element which not understood. Every one notices Jews for being rich not realizing they were forced to financial service jobs and thus forced to be rich. Zen (calm serenity through simplicity) came to Japan from the Samurai and monks because both live simple. Ironically now, elegant simplicity is more expensive then ravenous accumulation do to Americans “discovering” Japan. But outside of Japan (and northern Europe), wealth breeds corruption with most people less then American minimum wage because such a system of corruption and bribery. I once had a communist professor and though such realized that Yeshua never encouraged capitalism. Education and quoting sages makes one appear wise.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

One of the greatest follies in Christianity is to ignore the Books of Moses. (Torah) To ignore the Torah is to ignore the gospels for both are the foundation of the Christianity and the Torah shows the path to eternal life. When Psalm 119 was written, it did not mean the New Testament. If our eyes are truly fixed of Adoni, one finds grace in his law. This is why some call the gospels the New Torah. Our lives are bound to that Holy Light.