Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Do you Fear God?

 The plan for the ages of monogamous heterosexual marriage brings the descendants to offspring words of the truths of scripture for the world to see the Lord. The nations see the Lord through His children. As the world has fallen, the Messiah has come so to make all things new as 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” NASU

The Lord has a special relationship with the Jew for whom He gave His Word, though whom came Messiah. The Holy One made a covenant with them, which is eternal. Any land that accepts them finds bless for they influence for the divine as Dennis Prager said in his book “Exodus God, Slavery and Freedom,” “And the reason for that influence is this Torah, its God, its Ten Commandments, and its Exodus Story.”(Pg.5)

When men hate the Lord, they hate His people. That hate creates fear in the public causing the “Jewish Question.” When leaders answer it by blessing Jews, (Like Von Bismarck) the Lord blesses them; but cursed if they curse. (Tsar) When Hitler chose to persecute the Jews, his navy hid them so the Lord’s chosen will be preserved.

In darkness, the Lord of Israel anoints a leader to deliver those who call on Him. While goodness is precious, faith asks us to surrender it to the will of the Almighty. They made the Ark to protect a divine heritage so that by faith the world may find its salvation. When we step out in faith, accepting Yeshua as our personal savior, the Holy One gives us our greatest burden which is our calling. We are only able do holy work His way.

Morality cannot come from one’s self but from divine commandment. One cannot condemn wickedness without the authority of the divine as Dennis Prager says in his book “Exodus God, Slavery and Freedom,” “Only if the God of Torah exists can there be ultimate justice.” (Pg. 37) Our authority in morality is not our own but derived from the Words of the Lord which call us to preach His word as Exodus 3:14 says, ‘God said to Moses, “ I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘ I AM has sent me to you.’”’

Walk in obedience to the Lord. Believe.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Where is your face?(Gen. 30-35, 40-45)

 A humble heart plunders wickedness for the things of Lord. The Lord sees our distress, but waits to deliver us until wickedness crumbles. Wealth intimately comes from the Lord.

No words from the Lord are in the mouth of a trickster. The blessing of a deceiver are empty promises. The righteous defile the god of materialism, and it is taken from those who gave such value.

The Lord’s angles surround the righteous and bring fear to their enemies. Fidelity is Divine testimony. Even as faith brought you here, the Lord still gives hope. When one sees the face of the Holy One, all one has become meaningless.

Sex is a dangerous thing. The Lord intended it as part of the covenant that bound one man to one woman. When one walks outside this alliance, the more honor bound family may demand that honor be restored. If one leaves his sin and converts to the Lord, even as the Savior forgives, so must we.

Fortune proceeds a fall. Desolation may be decreed, but there is the hope of deliverance. Our Provider brings us though the time of greatest pain, so we may speak life to a fallen world as Genesis 50:20 says, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” NASU

Fear holds the Child of God back so that he cannot see his bother. What one fears is often one’s savior. Only in the deepest despair can one release to see the Savior.

Leave what keeps you from the Lord. Find life. Be separate, even in blessing.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How do you Build a Name? (Gen. 11-15, 21-25)

 Fighting the Lord fails. The Holy One made humanity special. When each person has become a part of the machine, then society is a monster. Chaos is a blessing to that group, for it brings freedom.

The Almighty gives a name to those who seek Him with a pure heart when they leave what they know to seek the Lord. The Lord’s salvation is sought through impossible. It is wrong to seek a kindness for another person to sin.

Too much blessing can bring dissension and conflict, making it a punishment. We must see humility to the other persons befit. Their choices will judge your rightness. If God truly blessed, even that will be returned.

The Glory of the Holy One is seeing in the irrational blessings of One who cannot be defined, making faith laughter. But in joy, there is a seed of pain. Our faith is visible when the impossible is necessary, so we may drink of springs in the desert. We might not get the recognizable blessing of others, but we saw His beauty in that.

Faith must hold to the Lord, giving Him the name He gave those who seek Him. The Lord asks for a living sacrifice as Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” NASU Our experience of giving recognizes the covenant that we have with our Savior. 

The Almighty made one man for one woman. It is said that forty days before a girl is born, the angels decided her husband. So many Jews chose to use a shadchan because a man or woman might only seek attraction and connection over divine election. Only the Lord can bring unity of soul as He spit the Reed Sea as Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok said in his article The Concept of Soulmates in Torah & Kabbalah,” “The parting of the Sea showed us that just as G-d can separate that which naturally belongs together so can G-d bring together those things that naturally belong together but have separated.” (Panu Derekh Journal #18)

Believe that the Lord wants to bless you. See blessings in pain. Count the cost.