Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Where is Hope?

If one forgets Jerusalem, one renounce civilization on the whole and chooses barbarity so that the Children of God and always stranger.  When mystery and darkness surrounded us, we know that there is a Hope if we seek the Holy One in repentance. Only by chesed of the divine that we can bring ourselves out of the problems surrounding us.
אThose who hate the Jews are chosen to be against the Almighty. The Lord will fight for the State of Israel. In doing the work of the Lord one prepare for spiritual warfare to become physically violent. Petty disagreement need to be ignored until after the completion of the work of the Lord.
Humanity fights righteousness, but the Holy One has placed a Hidden Light for all who seek Him. The level of our decadence challenges the importance of our cause. Self-destruction is better silence in the face of immorality. The history of the West writes with male libido. The Holy One gave a level of respect to all men so that all people deserve some dignity.
אSorrow of the soul is often disreputable behavior, but the Lord honors those who are broken before Him. True beauty is  in the heart. Without honor, society breaks down to slothfulness and bestiality. The American Civil War was caused be disrespect when a Massachusetts senator insulted a South Carolina senator so Southerner hit the Yankee with a cane (Caning of Charles Sumner) which the US Senate’s website says, “The nation, suffering from the breakdown of reasoned discourse that this event symbolized, tumbled onward toward the catastrophe of civil war.”

אThe Lord will give the words to his children so they might walk righteously before the evils of this age. We can never bow to antisemitism and those who hate the Children of the Lord. Even as keeping the Torah is greater than giving, the seed of disobedience is the beginning of destruction.  The perverted frivolity of the rich serve as a chaotic path by which performs the work of the Lord as Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.” NASU
A Christian does not use bullets or ballots to achieve his ideal and does not need government to tell him how to behave. He achieves his ideal by living daily according to the Word as a one-man revolution with which he faces a perverted and dying world. As Tolstoy said, “Christianity in its true sense puts an end to the State. It was so understood from its very beginning, and for that Christ was crucified.”

1 comment:

  1. If one forgets Jerusalem, (which means what?) one renounce civilization on the whole (and accept what? nudism or cannibalism?) and chooses barbarity (what is barbarity? )so that the Children of God (which are who again?) and always stranger. When mystery and darkness (spooky) surrounded us (meaning what?), we know that there is a Hope (that you can believe in) if we seek the Holy One (holy one?) in repentance (aren't we basically good?). Only by chesed (what is chesed?) of the divine (what does that mean) that we can bring ourselves out of the problems surrounding us (what problems are surrounding us?).
