Thursday, September 10, 2015

Deliverance and justice are equal element in the true nature of Elohim because if he judges others sin should he not judge ours also; therefore, it is seeking mercy that is the great equalizer for pride is destroyed, human terror is beaten, but humility is honored. The Divine shield protects only in purity, but in mercy one has robes of righteousness. Adoni wants to see if we want Him which maybe why humans were given a touch of greatness and dominion over earth. The one’s who seek the Eternal One gain His protection but destruction is decreed against those who hate His existence.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

When one questions the judgment of G-d, one must fight justice alone. Pain that is experiences should not be held to account in dive justice for it is man’s sin that brings pain and because only faith in the messiah Yeshua can give us white robes of righteousness for human wisdom dies with man but Divine wisdom is unsearchable. Pure faith in the Gospel seeks no physical gain in this life and does not see tragedy even when it is cause by the Holy for one cannot separate holiness from Adoni, but Man is bound to time regardless of one’s actions.