Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Do you have a right to complain?Job6-10

 Choking on our pain, we view the balances of life fixed against us. Our Rock blesses strengthens us so that so maybe able to sustain greater suffering as John Calvin preached in his sermon The xxiij. Sermon, Job is the First upon the Sixth Chapter* this:

But as for him that hath received a more singular strength, and whom God hath fortified with his holy spirit: he must be fain to sustain greater brunts, and far rougher assaults, than such as are feeble like little children.(105 Arther Golding 1574 Lucus Harris)

 For that pain, words are an empty rhyme, for only divine completion is comfort. In our distress, our only recourse is to the Lord though the Messiah Yeshua, for as Job said, “As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;” (Job 19:25-26 NASU”

They lost sense to those who suffer. Some condemn Southerns for history. Because Sherman ordered his men to rape civilian with the exact wording of the order, saying “Death is Mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better.” US Army raping became the cause of the War of Northern Aggression regardless of the Emancipation Proclamation. Those who wish to cancel history are in fear of themselves.

The shadow of death rests over humanity. The dullness of pain empties the passage of time. Although our life ends we have the hope of the resurrection as Saadiah Ben Joseph Al-Fayyumi wrote in the Book of Theodicy, ”On the Contrary, He has the power, and moreover, has promised resurrection, as His prophets and His community believe.” (209.Goodman 1988Yale Judaica series; v.25) Our sin hurts the Heart of the Lord.

All people are equal before HaKadosh. The Holy One commands Justice only as justice tempers with chesid. Sin has consequences that do not leave, even in repentance. After trials, there are blessings. We must never let our pain take our eyes off the Only One who takes us though it.The ways of the YHVH are as incomprehensible as His name. He is our creator and sustainer. The Lord rolled out the zodiac and controls it. Nothing restrains the trials He gives. The expression of our faith is our testimony before the Holy One as St. Patrick wrote in the foth verse his “Breastplate Prayer” that each day bound to himself, “ All good deeds done unto the Lord, And purity of virgin souls. Only though the Messiah can we find the Grace of the Lord as John Calvin preached in sermon The.XLII.Sermon which is the First upon the. xi. Chapter, this:

“For they that establish any deservings to purchase favor in Gods sight, and too make men believe that they may save themselves by their own power, know not the Majesty that is spoken of here , but  brabble about fond trifles.” (195Arther Golding 1574 Lucus Harris)

Remember that you were created for a purpose. Give Loving silence to those in pain.