Thursday, September 15, 2022

Have you Considered the Righteous? (Job 1-5)

 Pain destroys what you want others to think showing your integrate. Love for the Holy One should drive us to fight evil. No person naturally want to serve the Lord for in our own strength we cannot endure the calling of God on our lives as John Calvin preached in “The First Sermon upon the First Chapter in his Sermons on Job this:  

For when God showeth us that we ought to bear all the miseries that he shall send us : we can well a ford to confess that it is our duty so to do: but yet there with all we allege our own frailty and we bear ourselves in hand, that ought to serve for our excuse. (Pg1[40] Arther Golding 1574 Lucus Harris)

On Rosh Hashanah the Books are open, Yom Kippur ends sealing the Books. The first of the fallen has chosen Israel as his enemy and to hate Jews. As one stands naked in judgment before the Holy One, God trys the heart as heart as the actions. When all is taken away, a man has Himself and the Lord.

On Yom Kippur, the Lord gives and takes life. We must hold true integrity to account. Turing someone can force one to recant, a truly great man will only kneel to the Lord. Luck changes for everyone, but a man’s word is his wealth.  

Humans are born to pain and come from sin.  Our own birth is hidden for our pain during life. In the darkness, there is only the Light of the El Shaddai as the prophet Micah wrote in Micah 7:8,  “Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.” NASU Integrate neither accepts one’s fate nor condemns the Lord.

Our faith in the Lord should give us strength in difficulty. Good men have fallen. We are dust and to dust, we will return. Judgment destroys the wicked, but everyone suffers.



Seek the Lord! Live by faith!


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Who Are You? ( II Samuel 1-5, 16-20)

 Liars and those who challenge the anointing of the Holy One deserve to die. Where we come from creates a need to be honest. The Lord has given us life to follow his word and love His Messiah. God will judge those who stand against the messiah.

. The fall of the West must dive us into sorrow. We are the dead and our enemies know it. In our lack of faith, we caused its demise. In our ashes, we have no place to condemn of brothers. Our own wealth destroyed us.The Lord has raised the Son of David to one day rule in Jerusalem.

The Lord has anointed you but has withheld the job until you are prepared for it. Governments are the creation of human endeavors, but the children of the Lord honor the Holy One alone. Those who die in war die with honor but hold no reparations. Victory belongs to the Lord, but those who take life in peace are murderers..

   Our greatest enemies are commonly those closest. Our own family are those who will fight us so we should not completely trust them as Micah wrote in Mic 7:5 “Do not trust in a neighbor; Do not have confidence in a friend. From her who lies in your bosom Guard your lips.” NASU Death is a mercy for traitors.

When Israel recognizes the Lord’s anointed, Peace will reign. Yeshua is of the blood of Jacob. He will shepherd the world from Jerusalem. The entire world will see his greatness.The devil uses hands that put paper before honor. So too, the Lord has ordained one man for one woman. Our faith is not as strong as we think, so another's faith brings our carnality as Lenard Cohan wrote in his famous song “Hallelujah,” “Well, your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.” It is not a sin to be drawn to sin, only partaking. Sober evil is worse the drunken right.

Floyd Hatfield stealing a pig is a testimony of how our own lust create uncontrollable conflicts. Our greatest offering to the Lord is repentance, but sin has consequences. Lust and revenge are two great sins that destroy men, but a true friend helps you avoid a sin. Those who lack self-control forsake their own lives.

Wisdom believes in restoration. Justice must always be flavored with mercy. If the Heart of a people is lost the whole country is lost. If the Lord gives favor, we will see restoration.

Act in the Lord's strength. Guard your heart. Trust the Lord.