Thursday, August 25, 2016

Responsibility falls on people when action is done regardless of motives so that that which is consecrated to the Divine falls short of its purpose. That which is consecrated is bound to purity and honesty, but lies profane because the righteous act accepting the best in everyone. Where there is no honor, madness rests. When Hashem speaks, it is to return to His set apart place. Authorities always judge the righteous hardest. Fear destroys loyalty to righteousness so that one’s savior is rejected. But when one is confronted with death, one sees truth. Righteousness must come out of good people regardless of circumstances. Honorable people must seek peace and love over hate for then they are given a place.

One of the failures of the Cold War West was creating God in the image of what governments needed to protect their political ideals. Such is idolatry and disrespect for holiness. If on seeks to worship the Eternal, one must come humbly not binding Him to a preconceived idea or economic theory. Hashem is not bound to an idea but causes the world to exist blessing whom He will.  Those who walk in the covenant of the Holy one, find shalom. Personal mercy is not bound to a response but always has rhyme. In Adoni’s strength there is peace. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The heart is deceitful and those who fallow it are lost. Adoni ordain one man for one woman who both are bound in righteousness to Hashem, but when one chooses the passions of the heart death attends.  Love which is not bound to Hashem is a murderer and is a patriotic concern as it shows the crakes in a nation. Pride tells all secrets to the enemy. Pride and lust destroy all those whom embrace them or fallow them. If one repents, the Blessed’s power will come to him. Those who seek the Eternal will find Him. Those who do His will find a special blessing.

God’s judgment will come until people return Him to His place in their lives. God is not a lucky charm, but terribly shows himself to humanity. His people will be equally judged as those who do not know Him. If one repents, He may grant them victory for He is the only one who can bestow shalom. The Set-apart One wants His people to be set apart. Man takes his fill but the Divine blesses. That which is hidden, Adoni will revile. The humblest has greatness if he seeks the Adoni in truth. Faith in leaders should never replace faith in Adoni.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The blessings of El Shaddi are evident in the sages of Adoni, protection and seeing Adoni’s promise. What is ordained for others one cannot demand, it is ordained to heal the nations. The hand of protection is upon those who are blessed.  Courage is both a blessing and a curse depending on its use. Those who have seen deliverance must raise the Sword. Salvation would have been enough but the Messiah gave us a path to live, but beware for everything wishes to take the place of the Holy One. Hearing and learning God’s word are the first priority.