Thursday, December 17, 2015

One of the follies of Greek Logic is the requirement to be wrong in that if one person says that the Bible says one to such everyone else is wrong. By Logic, the Messiah is impossible for God chooses foolishness to show His greatness for by faith one is liberated from sin. The only true reasoning must come from God for the Aleph directs understanding through which Adoni is revealed. The grace of God is Universal transcending differences creating its own absolutes. That which is done for Yeshua will last. All must stand humbly before God.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

To the unlearned, Faith is a venerability, but it is actually the greatest strength one could have. One’s faith is what inspires and creates an extraordinary spirit of magnificence and fidelity. This in to say Faith is not a crutch, but the person is an expression of their faith and succeed by it for it is God who blesses those and defends them. Those who profane what is Sacred will be destroyed. Hashem’s people who fall will be restored in eternal holiness. There will be an end to the persecutors.

One of the failures in society is connecting capitalism with Jesus. Financial gain often blinds people from their spiritual condition as it becomes an idol to them to serve, but all idols are dead. Gain is not always evidence of Adoni’s blessing. Abraham was rich but was called to be poor to be a blessing to others. In poverty of the soul one sees the greatness of Elohim. In Yeshua, death has lost its power to bring fear, but wealth often blinds that. Our pray should be, “Forgive us of our sins and accept us in grace.” True faith is in Yeshua. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

There is a false view that states that is the obligation of the Lord to bless their country. While there is the Abrahamic covenant, it is the Holy who pities who he will. Pity cannot be expected. Pity should never be taken as an expectation for others or God.Because of Christ pity, we are bound to Him.  Lack of thankfulness leads to lack of faithfulness to God and that salary is destruction. This is bound to individual action of individuals.Good and honorable parent cannot ensure good children. But, God forgives those who seek him.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The responsibility of healing the nations is bound in the Alliance of the covenants with Adoni. Establishing justice, protecting the widows and orphans, seeking the peace other and preserving the innocent are bound in healing the nations. When one starts to only think about their own gain, they start to destroy themselves. This is the reason for Yeshuaís coming and return to bring Healing to the world. But, the false peace which is spread by evil which claim to be holy is pain. The broken will be repaired and restored.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

 There is a song by Zachary Richard called Réveillez! ( It gives a history the Cajun people (In Cajun French) of the trial that brought them to Louisiana. But the name of the song can be translated as “alarm clock.” Yet one cannot truly seek the Messiah without remembering father Avraham and the greatness of God in history. The alarm clock is also a call to purity in body and soul for it is God makes firm your steps. In this, one truly sees Yeshua who was crucified for our rebellion against the Torah and the Tetragrammaton.

This gives us the command to heal the nation tikkun olam in ordinary life both in preach Yeshua and in helping the poor with physical needs. This is the reason why Elohim in Human flesh came to earth to bring healing to the sick and freeing those in bondage both spiritually and physically. Only to a return to the Love of God came on seek to heal others for God is both a loving father and a judge.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

One error in North American Christian Culture is an obsession to “look” Christian. (I normally wear a yarmulke which is an acrostic in Hebrew for “Fear the Lord.”) It applies not only to dressing in “Jesus saves” T-shirts but also to the entire “Faith Based” enterprises. Hiding behind a verse does not mean it is Holy. There is no fear of Hashem in this. Every church accuses every other church of working their way to heaven not realizing they themselves are only concerned with appearance. Therefore, there is a curse on us for this fighting and hypocrisy.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wealth is one element which not understood. Every one notices Jews for being rich not realizing they were forced to financial service jobs and thus forced to be rich. Zen (calm serenity through simplicity) came to Japan from the Samurai and monks because both live simple. Ironically now, elegant simplicity is more expensive then ravenous accumulation do to Americans “discovering” Japan. But outside of Japan (and northern Europe), wealth breeds corruption with most people less then American minimum wage because such a system of corruption and bribery. I once had a communist professor and though such realized that Yeshua never encouraged capitalism. Education and quoting sages makes one appear wise.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

One of the greatest follies in Christianity is to ignore the Books of Moses. (Torah) To ignore the Torah is to ignore the gospels for both are the foundation of the Christianity and the Torah shows the path to eternal life. When Psalm 119 was written, it did not mean the New Testament. If our eyes are truly fixed of Adoni, one finds grace in his law. This is why some call the gospels the New Torah. Our lives are bound to that Holy Light.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Deliverance and justice are equal element in the true nature of Elohim because if he judges others sin should he not judge ours also; therefore, it is seeking mercy that is the great equalizer for pride is destroyed, human terror is beaten, but humility is honored. The Divine shield protects only in purity, but in mercy one has robes of righteousness. Adoni wants to see if we want Him which maybe why humans were given a touch of greatness and dominion over earth. The one’s who seek the Eternal One gain His protection but destruction is decreed against those who hate His existence.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

When one questions the judgment of G-d, one must fight justice alone. Pain that is experiences should not be held to account in dive justice for it is man’s sin that brings pain and because only faith in the messiah Yeshua can give us white robes of righteousness for human wisdom dies with man but Divine wisdom is unsearchable. Pure faith in the Gospel seeks no physical gain in this life and does not see tragedy even when it is cause by the Holy for one cannot separate holiness from Adoni, but Man is bound to time regardless of one’s actions. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

It is said in the Zohar, an ancient commentary, that the more one loves the Torah the more he is loved by the Torah. This is what gives flesh to the House of the Holy One for by it that sin, righteousness and judgment are revealed in the bounds of mercy. A just leader supports the Law of Adoni with his entire being for he seeks the Divine favor. Union with the world is the sorry in the eyes of all those who seek the face of the Divine but God’s grace it deeper than that.

As Elohim creates free will as He enjoys us doing well on our own, He also creates a special set of circumstance to bring about His Good. For these special jobs one must prepare by seeking a pure heart toward the Eternal One. But yet, it is the hidden light of the Messiah in the lives of those who have discover Yeshua and still one of one’s greatest gifts is honor with held. It is that that we are needed but rather that we need, and “for such a time as this,” we give a special job by Him.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

One greatest folly it to seek to achieve something against G-d for true greatness is found in G-d alone and going against G-d is the beginning of destruction. The first republic of France started to fall when they outlawed religion because when one takes away Divine foundation nothing is held up. This is equally true if the project is for G-d.  Angry blood cannot fulfill Divine work in spite of any personal desires. But, true love prepares others for greatness. The greatest promise is that G-d will be with you.

The role of Believers in Yeshua is to fight of behalf of others and “stand in the gap.”
 Fighting for the week is the cause of saint as an element of praise for the One who saved us as it creates honor for the Holy One of Israel for Adonai has keep the alliance with us with the ת, the mark of the Law, being our seal of redemption. When sins destroy, G-d forgives those who seek Him. In honoring Emanuel, we see his face and feel his presence. It is by the testimony of the Saints that one sees the Glory of G-d. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

God has no interest in what we do for Him or the out ward trappings of religion or denomination but desires a heart which seeks Him alone. Trust and offering must come together at one point. If one gives to God but does not trust Him then what benefit is the gift to the giver. Rather it is the gift that is good luck to the giver, but sin is bad luck and brings failure.  When it matters it is the א which is the greatest enchantment and the offering to God is the charm and prayer the incantation.

Friday, August 7, 2015

It is the responsibility of those loyal to fallen or exiled kings to continue to fight for them. In a sense, Jesus was exiled back to heaven and we are to fight for Him; but within this a spirit of shalom even with the world’s blasphemous claim to his title. But, “Sin makes one stupid,” so that worldly wisdom by definition will fall. Obedience to God is greater than any reward, but one must be prepared to deliver the Message. God gives grace to all who take it because Gift mean nothing to those who do not take them.

Honor can never be taken it must be earned because honor taken is only pride. Then, every one finds a better suited candidate then you. It is said that the aleph א was given its great honor not for its persuasive reason or the words it spelled but for the humility it showed.  Mercy is given from God when ask of Him and condemnation by association is always wrong but one’s word verifies his honor. But, all must be bound to wisdom for only by wisdom can honor be preserved and increased. Love is the beginning to truth.

“Love is every one’s greatest weakness.” Glory is blown out by depravity. It is the only time where the surety of one’s self is unhelpful but the other party must have the same views. Unity in sin is its own damnation. Evil for one party makes both evil with ungodliness abounding. Other more grotesque sins fallow. Surety is completely destroyed. God must judge this as part of His holiness. Judgment is laid down and cannot be brought back again. One can never hide from God.

Heritage is the beginning of Identity for everyone and can neither be bought nor sold, but it is the peek what one could accomplish for good or bad. Heritage is worth dying for because few people leave faith by reason alone but they despised their tradition. Tradition creates a people. It is said that Israel returned from Babylonian captivity stronger then when they left because of tradition.

Friday, July 31, 2015

There is an intriguing nature to septic observing the power of God. In accepting its origin, such question it, but recognizing the greatness as one who enjoys an unseen flute but question its existence. This is not to be compared to the disrespect that those who claim God have for the sacred.  When Divine blessing becomes common place, God’s leader start desiring silver over connection to the people they serve, and such leaders become the enemy of God. God judges the disrespect more than the skepticism. Faith and repentance from evil are the true keys to divine protection.

And, there is a time when what once sought God but now rejects Him that He rejects them and let them go. It is no longer the duty of those who fallow Christ to support them whether they are a person or country. The nature of evil descends on the entity rejected. That evil entity seeks to destroy those you gain honor, and the Lord raises one up to usurp such entity. God's Spirit may return to the entity for its demise in that its nakedness will be shown.

The Tetragrammaton  ( יהוה ) is powerful magic and the Messiah is the human projection and yet an entity with in the א. Western culture has lost the holiness of the Creator and seeks to destroy the actual Mashiyach for a Greek substitute which is easily understood. St. Augustine even went to call the only true God Zeus. The Americanized Jesus only condemns those who hate the US and blesses free trade that in many ways in more Truman then God or as Charles Dickens said, “You crucify Christ on a Cross of Gold.” 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

One of the many faults of modern thought is the lack of understand of being a divine thought in everyone. God equally gave land to all children of Abraham, even those who were not the children of promise. Likewise the terror of a dive is brought in every one’s thought with even atheist fearing someone. This is how the cult of personality is created fear of one greater precludes an object of that fear. But, learning the way of the Holy one evolves that wisdom. God is the greatest unifying force that breath even and earth as one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Light has always had an incapacitating nature. This is not the Hidden Light, but the purity to find the Hidden Light. Unfortunately, it can give the illusion of incapacity to sin. This may be why so many pastors fall. Only when on realizes their sin can one receive Christ. Christ is the Defender when a Christian sins. The hallmark of one who found the Hidden Light is a fresh desire to keep the Law. Love for the non material expresses the path of the Hidden Light.  Abandoning sin proves the life of a believer in the Messiah. Love is not measured in words but in deeds.

Marriage while originally a sacred institution has become the passage of evil. It is even said that Nephim (demons) were the result between angels and human and said the Antichrist is a product of a homosexual marriage showing the continual evil of the human heart which a just God cannot over look, but yet God give grace and faith. It is said that Noah was obsessed with alephs when he was young so when the א came Noah was ready in this showing those who seek God are given His grace. But, this is why the hidden Light is hidden because we must find firm ground for ourselves.

And, all things bring a Path to God. It is not circumstances that create responses but attitude. Ho w one treats other s is as important as accuracy. As it is said, “Ishmael is also a son of Abraham.”  But with the exception of the situation with Gideon, the Ishmaelite show a different relation to God as with Moses’ father-in-Law and those who refused to drink for Jeremiah.  One could even point out that that Torah never condemns Jews who marry the children of Ishmael even as Esau marring Ishmael’s daughter to show repentance but the Edomites becoming the descendents of Ishmael. That is one of seeking God but not being chased by God and finding the hidden light but not being pursued by it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Light has always had an incapacitating nature. This is not the Hidden Light, but the purity to find the Hidden Light. Unfortunately it can give the illusion of incapacity to sin. This may be why so many pastors fall. Only when on realizes their sin can one receive Christ. Christ is the Defender when a Christian sins. The hallmark of one who found the Hidden Light is a fresh desire to keep the Law. Love for the non material expresses the path of the Hidden Light.  Abandoning sin proves the life of a believer in the Messiah. Love is not measured in words but in deeds.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I spent a semester in a Social Justice club, and it is true God commanded us to join the weak. Racism is still alive which is now in the racial profiling and police brutality sense to which I have signed several petitions against. God hates any and all discrimination based on one’s birth. It is sin and salvation which make all equal. God gives His Spirit to all who believe on Him. By the faith of Abraham, all people are blessed. In Christ’s death a culture of Faith supersedes one’s origins. Abraham’s heredity is universal. In Christ, all are slaves.
True Love for God brings a wise discerning love for others. Persecution empowers to nature of evangelism. Death is a passage by which all people must trod, but Christians eagerly embrace it as an opportunity for greater thing seeking to be prepared for its blessings. It is by such idea that God gives grace to suffer. Union can only be established by establishing a consideration for thinking with others and edifying others qualities. With love toward all people, it is Christian humanity which lightens the darkness. True confidence should not be which come from man. In suffering with Christ, the Believers are changed from les misérables to regal citizen. One must prepare oneself for Divine contentment.

The Mosaic Law is a sign of Divine love seeking pure faith, and the giving of it was the first Pentecost; but sinfulness rejected it and taught thing not thought out. That faith and love united to union with Christ. Because there is one god and only one savior, there is a responsibility to intercede for leaders. This creates a need to pass on this idea. All leaders have the responsibility to have faithful purity and inspire respect. The hidden light and secrete plan is Christ. As exercise is good so is teaching Christ. In Christ, all people are equal in responsibility.

Friday, June 12, 2015

It is said that when God connected to man with His truth the first time, man slept and started Pentecost: but, the covenant Pentecost happened and miracles were seen. The language barrier was breached as a sign of God descending. There are accounts from many lands where God gives the ability to speak languages that the speakers don’t know. Likewise at that thing will happen to verify the soberness of Christ. When finances are low the power of God is seen. The inheritance of the old prophets is given to today’s Christians. The fear of others represses the observance of the signs of God.
But, all is not permissible because the path is found in perfect balance of the soft and hard. Showing evil in the name of Grace questioned the name that was declared. Christ death declares unity and the resurrection encourages strict morality. The Christian Life is an expression of God. But, likewise it is not about rules but not being bound to a sinful philosophy. It is said that one should pursue Light as one pursued by the dark, but that is not possible until one has gained the understanding of purity which all struggle to obtain. To live in Christ is peace for life in sin is death. For Christians, the Holy Spirit and the human spirit come together to testify giving verity of Salvation and change to Christ likeness.  
The sovereignty of God elects and purifies Christians. This is the defenses to binds us to God. Not all people in Christ are chosen for a special work. God pities those He pities. But, the people whom God had not called His people have become His people. They have been chosen to rule the world. Such constrains them to seek peace and love for each other. The Church is a living organism and must operate as a single entity. Because of this one’s closest friends must have the same faith. In being separated out, one becomes a slave to Christ and fails when such become overly occupied with one’s own desires. True love is the Love of God. True freedom is found in this fact and does not offend. But yet it is the Gospel that should offend for it is bad luck to not share it.

God’s greatness is shown in those who suffer for Him. More people find Christ when there is persecution for it. Likewise, there is an element of grace because of the unity of prayer. The divine Grace gives purity of wisdom creating clarity in understanding strengthening ones faith. The fidelity of Christ is a beautiful smell to God. Pure intentions bring unity with Christ’s path. The new covenant is not based on direct commands but the living idea of Christ. One cannot truly understand the Old Testament without Christ. As one discovers the Spirit on becomes like Christ. By the knowledge of truth, all are judged. The Hidden Light burns in Believers in Christ because they are the manifestation of Christ. Through persecution the reality of Christ is reviled. Distress is consumed by heaven. By the sovereignty of God, the Spirit causes good in us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

An old rabbi once said, “Everything is a blessing, but some things are a different type of blessing.” This is a beginning of the hidden light for God is glorified in all things regardless of outcome because Light is hidden from us so that difficulties seem as Divine failure or hate. (Most people prefer their darkness.) One cannot understand the Christ is the Hidden Light and Life until we are willing to die with Him. In healing one acknowledges the hideousness of one’s troubles. Christ died to save. It is hidden light because only the saved realize what it was worth. In Christ, there is glory in death.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

There has always been always been a debate over the religious and secular roles and areas of influence. One group even said that there was no secular role then deposed their king. God first and foremost views humans as spiritual beings like angels as opposed to the ying/yang of male and female or married and single. The greatest thing one can do is to give love God wholly of ones being with the secular receiving the respect one attains to oneself. It does not matter the amount seceded at but how much effort and dedication it took.   

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The “soft shall overcome the hard” is Christ. Good news announced to the poor is the essence of Christ’s preaching. Those who prepared prove it. When persecution comes, the Gospel is the validity of the pain as martyr did not mean “one who died for belief” but “witness.” The hidden Light being the gospel is why so many cannot understand its Burning Aleph. That Aleph Light must be pursued as dark and light pursue each other. This will be expressed as compassion toward others. The power over the Peculiars can only be found while searching for the Light.

Justice and mercy are opposites yet the same and should pursue each other. Each exception is a declaration of the rule. Proving ones love in this search is far more important than “sacrifices.” It is said that the only way to find the path of opposites is purity. Purity is not found merely in not sinning for in the attempt one becomes evil. Bismarck and Hitler sought to purify their lands but became the dictators of evil empires.  A true heart for God is the beginning of purity which the impure respect but do not understand.

Simplify is the key to learning. Seek and believing are the beginning to purity and healing.   

Friday, May 15, 2015

“God’s home” has always been considered desired but not from counting the cost. The Lord is always near. But, a sanctified object does not sanctify people. God accuses everyone in His homes weeping the surface of all.  But sin oozes from humanity. Religious people feel they should hide that fact which is an element of their own arrogance. Civilized people believe it is a requirement to hide. Subsistence has to be of a divine nature. Any system that encourages greed is bound to fail because it subsists on gain instead of God. God sweeps silver from our lives. God himself provokes this discussion. Human leaders are ravenous beasts and judges are wolves.

Friday, May 8, 2015

My name is Matthew Morrison and I am a celibate Christian. (Messianic) Marriage is said to be the shadow of Christ and the Church and God and Israel. While I know Christ died for my sins and loves me very much, the shadow of the relationship is obviously clouded, thus the actual form becomes hazy. Committed monogamy and daily Bible reading with becomes a stronger Christian after Divine punishment like a family after adultery is difficult to understand the connection. But, the Idea that Hope can spring from forgiveness is universal. Hope where no hope exists is the most common film plot. However, how spouses care for each other is almost a “divine mystery.” Intimate relation with God through prayer is the form of the shadow of marital intercourse. Leadership in marriage by both partners is the shadow, but when pastors fail to lead according Divine precept the gain a responsibility for the congregations’ sin. Jesus paid the penalty after His chosen people prostituted themselves out with Ez. 4: 1-3 stating Israel lost its intimacy with the Holy one which is how the land became savage. Repentance is the answer to immorality.

                In modern Culture there is a distinct lack of personal purity. When restrictions are lost, “hell breaks loose.” Food must be pure but, life not so much. There are even those who condemn movie producers of impropriety merely based of the way people wanted the movie to end. This is in body, soul and spirit. Capitalism teaches us that being a “good person” has nothing to do with a higher power or just being a good guy, but what can one greedily take. Thus, there is no kindness or pure motives but is only competing interests. The purity need of the flesh is found in the HIV and obesity epidemic. These are also symptoms of being told one should be greedy. Accepting greed as a salutation destroys the nature of integrity. Therefore Greed is the beginning of destruction. Rather one should desire purity in all things this is the basis for the phase “Liberty in Law” because one is free from the negatives this way and healthier also. Purity is a life style choice which must be proven to others to see. Only with pure motives, one succeeds because dishonesty leads to distrust.

Weakness is an element of honesty. As a deity is the ideal of purity, it is found in seeking one and being transformed by one. In that is truth that is continual. Pride is the beginning of destruction because it is a lie. Such will be cut down to show the internal weakness.