Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 God cares what people eat. Death was never part of the divine plan. Purity comes from what we eat as much as what we do. Pork and other unclean beast are anathema to holiness and children of demons. Touching their dead bodies requires a child of God to be rebaptized.

Women are the pinnacle of creation not only because of order of creation, but because they are vessels of life. Life must give time for healing and restoration of the body, soul and spirit. A life for a life to restore the vessel.

Our hidden sins find us out so that the re shown to the world. We only end pure when we are profaned before the world. Sin must be atoned for by the blood of the Messiah.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Are you set Apart? (Exodus 31-35)

 The Breath consumes the will of man, so his work is not his but an expression of the divine. Praise and judgment meet at the House of the Holy One. The Spirit rests on man, so that the work which God ordains is man completed. In order for the Lord to rest with man, we must make room for Him.

There is the temple of the Sabbath. She is the beginning of Sanctification for in Her is no Judgment as “The secret of sabbath” in the Zohar declares, “When Sabbath enters She is alone separated from the Other Side, all judgments removed from Her. Breaking in the oneness of holy light,  She is crowned over and over to face the holy King.” (pg.83 Trans. Daniel Chanan Matt, SkyLight Illuminations 2002) Anyone who profanes the Grace of the Lord may not truly be His child.

We cannot know the Holy One by a form because One is beyond the idea. The Lord uses people for the Glory of the Wind as 2 Corinthians 4:7 states, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;” NASU When the leader is become a idol, we must destroy it. Holy anger preserves righteousness. Lord! Worship the Lord.

If the Children of God are unfaithful, then Raphael will lead them.  The Lord will not dwell with those who hate Him. When a man sins, he has become unclean like a leper. Only the atonement in repentance cleansing the leper can bring him back to the community of the Almighty.

It is not enough to be forgiven, the Holy One must teach you His ways. In His ways, we discover His election. Unless the divine leads a His people, there is little proof the are His. The attributes of the Mystical YHVH are pitying the sinner, gracing the repentant, ruling, sympathizing to suffering, loving concern, long-suffering, abounding in mercy, verifying, remembering human merit, understanding, forgiving, atoning, and seeing guilt. When we touch the divine, we are physically changed.


Rest on Sabbath. Give to he Lord.