Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Possessions are lest destructive then power, but marring an evil person brings evil to ones own soul so that destruction is only held at bay by one's previous alliance with God, others will leave him for freedom from wickedness so illness stops him. When wickedness is destroyed, the just who associate with them will fall also. A seed of righteous is keep so that after the storms holiness will blossom. Holy leadership must emanate from the house of God. Mankind's greatest condemnation is the question “why?” for when one abandons God He will abandon him. If something failed for the pagan, the just should not try it. Godly counsel is the only way to a righteous soul. One can never be so holy as to act in disobedience for God loosing the fear of God.  Ones greatest honor is to restore God's house. Another's sorrows are never a point of celebration. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”  (NASU) The greatest celebration is returning to righteousness. Purification is first bound to the heart.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The fear of the Holy is not merely a general respect but a terror of what one's own sinfulness has incurred the the wrath of an all powerful perfect, personal force which Nature herself proves for when the  people of God do not fear the Lord they are equal to the pagan with judgment, but if anyone glorifies God alone for everything, such will find healing. When one demands a certain human leader or criticizes one, one rejects the sovereignty of the the Holy one for the leader only looses the right to rule when one walks against God's Law for one should always look to God first and foremost. Those who seek the Lord find His power. What makes the people of God unique is that they look to Him for protection and leadership in hard times. Leadership is confirmed when a man in the power of God bring a people to unity. History is not bound to individuals but to the path the the Lord gives it. The judgment of God begins when one chooses pride over the Holy Commandments for the substance of nobility is holiness. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” (NASU) Those who seek the Lord, find the miraculous. 

It is said, “No one owes us anything, but everything must be taken,” but all people  owe each other respect,  love of God, physical help for the Lord in His mercy will bring ones blessing out humanely for  trust and respect are rewarded of the righteous. In the camp of evil one can choose to do good as long as evil does not control him. The Tetregrammaton is an enigma no bound to philosophy neither predictable nor understandable; the Devil, however, is different in being very logical who always gives for the right price. Death is not the end but going to one's eternal home and is caused by one's sin. Without repentance from sin and faith, fear rests for God is silent  except for His Law.
When one fights for evil, one is destroyed. A righteous person is commended even by pagans. Hidden Wisdom is bound to those who seek the Lord. All things are given by God. Truth is a responsibility given by God to show His light. The Children of God should seek to cover each others shame seeking to show and make great the Love of God so that the world may seek the forgiveness of Yeshua the Messiah. Proverb 10:11-12 says, “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, But the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.  Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all transgressions.”   (NASU) 

Lust and sorrow blind hearts and minds from perceiving love and mercy  so that people are quick to condemn and slow to listen, only God can condemn  so one must continually seek God's mercy for the sins one hide the Lord will make known to all. Hearts and minds must be won through  healing for God frustrates wicked council. Obedience must come before one's own attachment. A wise leader seeks reconciliation  and healing over condemnation. A country must be just to be bless, but God condemns arbitrary nationalism which hurts the innocent in the name of patriotism. Ultimate deliverance comes from God. Greatness is found in binding oneself to the work of God for life is given by God alone for God meets man at the point of mercy. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

In discouragement, there rests unnatural lust for things what one has never had so that that one sits in judgment against the rich blessings of delicacies in that he indulges for daily needs so God judges with fire. The first element is in salvation is to acknowledge that one has sinned before the Lord. The Judgment that the Messiah suffered made to live eternally; however, outside of the Law of Moses everything is paganism. When one walk in faith one drinks of “Living Water” so that it is his song in praise of God. Peace  an healing must be the priority those those claim to be Children of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 says “See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.” (NASU) One can only says what the Divine allows. The greatest idolatry is to define the boundless, formless Tetregrammiton in the ideas of mortal thought. The greatest judgment of sin is the question a person cam request is  “Why?” The Word of God is a madness in that when one immerses one's self in it to control it, one is controlled by it. 

Life itself is bound to Torah  along with happiness and Zen so that the the declare of the unity of Father Son and Holy Ghost  must be branded on every  and every where one goes. It is said the mark of true and pure righteousness is one's favorite good deed is to love God completely. What one possesses has nothing to do with one's abilities but what the Lord has allotted him; therefore one must fallow the Lord continually. The Tetragrammaton is unsolvable and the Holy One is undefinable so that one one should never accept others definition of the Aleph or be wooed by the god of materialism. History declares that only by the grace and blessing of God that a nation is great. Children of God are to have a unique culture pure from the profanities of the outside world. If one obeys God, he will be blessed. All must be educated in trusting God and observing His commandment so that one will love in good times and hard. Sinfulness cannot be tolerated so that one's blessing may only be remnants of another curse. Ones greatest weakness to doing sin is in the presence of the All Mighty.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The power of the Holy One brings truth to prominence so that the world believes His people are an extreme may one puts a life completely in the hands of God, His sovereignty and power are clearly seen authority so that when His people obey the Lord with a true heart the sinful world fears them. When one does God's work, it must equally be done God's way. Those who are call to the Lords work, must judge with His Word. God hears when we cry to Him when we are in distress, but the answer to the problem of pain is His existence. The universe and all it is are merely expression in the Deep Mind.  The greatest equation of Hidden knowledge and wisdom is יהוה  for across all sciences none  have cracked its code.(10, 5, 6, 5) 1 John 4:4 says, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (NASU) Freedom must first come from within. The Way is is always greater then the deities created by the constraint of the human mind. God gives courage so one may freely choose to fallow Him.

Because of love for God, His children are bound to love the would to the healing of the nations and the spreading of true righteousness to all people. When the Holy One brings the soul of a man and a woman together in blessed union  for those who are bound physically are bound in the eyes of the Lord such should never be broken as a sparrow even to death for that which brings death will be fallowed by death. Restoration is not merely returning what is lost but continuing to give back to the person who was wronged. To heal the nations, the Children of God must seek kindness for the stranger, orphan and the poor for the Lord is their champion and will judge those who lack compassion. For who the Lord is we must offer Him our best. Above all, God's day must be sanctified for He is the one who gave and give life and wealth. Yeshua the Messiah is the true light from heaven in which one finds the path of salvation. Those in Christ appearance should be befitting the Lord. God gives mercy to those who seek Him truly. Ephesians 2:8-10 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is  the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (NASU)

Truelove is to give sacrificially one best with out blemish with a heart of devotion for it is not the gift, but the the manner and spirit in which it was given. Seeking to love the Lord means to obey His laws in devotion and to pray seeking Him in purity. The love of the heart for the Lord is more important then the price of the gift for all things are merely an idea in His mind. Those who are His Children  are to show his light to the world. Good luck is found in offerings to the Lord. Divine healing must be sought through one's own sacrifice. God is Just and sinless but humanity is not. God in His love chose to die to heal people from sin. Isaiah 53:5 says, But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.” (NASU)  Purity is not once but must be maintained.  Children of God  who have received the Breath of God must live honestly in the world. Healing is found in purity.  Those who  worship God must do it in obedience.