Thursday, August 8, 2024

Where do you Look? Amos 5-6

 Listen and Obey the Lord for people sing mocking us. Desolation has been determined. But, we need to repent on a personal level as Amos wrote in  Amos 5:4, 'For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel, " Seek Me that you may live.””NASU John Calvin wrote in Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets Vol.2, “We have elsewhere said that men cannot be led to repentance, unless they believe that God will be propitious to them; for all who think him to be implacable, ever flee away from him, and dread the mention of his name.”(Pg. 249

You change the right into poison. The Lord created the stars and puts the robbed above the stong. The attributes of the Mystical YHVH are pitying the sinner, gracing the repentant, ruling, sympathizing to suffering, loving concern, long-suffering, abounding in mercy, verifying, remembering human merit, understanding, forgiving, atoning, and seeing guilt. He will ruin your citadels seek right and do it Charlie sonos wrote “Ethical and moral concern goes hand in hand. Seeking well and seeking God are not to be separated.” (sonos, Charlie. “The Exegesis of Amos 5:18-27.” Sonoma Adventist College, 2020.)

We should not seek the Second Coming. It brings darkness from the pan to the fire. God hates our feasts. When you offer gifts, The Lord will abhor them and hates your music. The prophet Samuel said  in 1 Sam 15:22, ' Samuel said, " Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.”'NASU

America must look and see that greater empires then her have fallen. There is no Soviet Union anymore. America is fat and over sexed. The Lord is against America.

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