Thursday, May 30, 2024

What are You Waiting For? (Isaiah 25-27)

 Divine Consciousness shines gloriously through His creation, casting judgment that topples even the greatest cities. Yet, the Lord hears the cries of the impoverished, offering refuge to the beggar in her suffering. Like a relentless drought, the Almighty subdued Israel's foes. Through Him, all can be made new as St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah: Book 8,” 'Moreover, “they will be anointed with anointment,” so  that those who have been reborn in Christ may be made into a new people.' (399  tranlated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

There is coming a day when death will be no more. The Lord will wipe away our tears. Then every knee will bow to the Lord and declare Him their hope. Our strong points He will destroy. His capital will be Jerusalem where the poor will live. Open your doors to the King of Glory.

Our confidence is found in the eternal Rock of God. The just path may be hard but is smooth. Our hope must be found in the lord because he opens himself to our despair. His Name, we must desire. There is people for those who focus on the divine as Isaiah spoke in Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”KJV

The Devil has already been defeated. In the End of Days, The Lord will feed the righteous  Satan's servant Leviathan. John Calvin taught in His “Commentary on Isaiah: volume 2,” “In this manner he intended to meet many doubts by which we are continually assailed, when God declares that he will assist us, and when we experience, on the other hand, the strength, craft, and deceitfulness of Satan.” (pg.199 Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

God loves the world but holds Israel as special. In the reign of Messiah , all people will make peace with Israel. The Lord scattered the Lost Tribes to show His greatness but One day the Tribes will come home.

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