Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Do You Stand in the place of God? (Job31-35)

 When the Lord bears witness against you, then man cannot condemn. Men are usually drawn by unnatural desire of the eye that brings them to death. Men of honor only have eyes for the good women they married and a heart for those in need around them. Evil cannot corrupt the houses of such as John Calvin preached in his sermon “The xxi. Sermon which is the first upon the. xxxi. Chapter of Job” this:

For if a man can withhold his sight, so as he conceive not any thing that might- draw him unto evil by looking about him, and show that there is true chastity arid honesty in him : It must needs be say that he  clear as an angel  from all corruption. ” (521[559] Arther Golding 1574 Lucus Harris)

 Age does not always give wisdom, for wisdom come ultimately comes from the Lord. A wise man listens to everyone and then speaks. Even the ignorant expose what they know.

Our understanding is far less than the mind of the divine. We can only see the Lord through how He reviles Himself to us and feels His presence in dreams. The Lord holds us back from some injuries. In a fallen world, all people experience pain. Eventually, pain draws them to death. Those in Messiah, Jesus, have bound them to heaven when they die. 

Ears devour junk food. One sees pain, but we condemn a just man’s pain, so we condemn ourselves. The Lord defines righteousness. He does not regard wealth or royalty. Tyrants fall by His word. Only the Lord can judge.

When we look to the heaven, our trials are so small. The Lord gave man wisdom. He does not hear the prayers of animals. One both live right and is an effective communicator.

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