Thursday, July 14, 2016

Life cannot exist if there is no joy. Happiness is required for human existence and ordained by God. Everything has an equal and opposite which confidence is found in. To chaos, Adoni brings rhyme  and every good thing.  In rest and holiness, people find completeness. Helping on task brings unity. Death and pain are the results of forbidden knowledge. The greater damnation is bond to those who see evil and do nothing. Honoring wrongly is no honor. There is always a curse on the wrath of man. After darkness, there is light. In walking with Adoni, there is never a disconnection from Him.

Contentment can never be protected by faithless. If Adoni has given one joy, he will also grant us Shalom and protect us from perceived treats against all who trust in Him. But in blessing, there is a curse others’ jealousy which can destroy heritage if the called out ones forget they are only nomads and must only touch the earth lightly. Joy should never be bound to physical objects but to the non-material. A blessing is the greatest gift one can give but curses are upon a thief. In the House of the Holy One, there cannot be abandonment. True blessing can only be found in El Shaddai. Destiny is bound to Adoni.

Those who see one’s blessing will seek to subdue the blessed out of fear. Wisdom is used by the jealous to stop the blessed. True Wisdom is knowing to reverence Adoni and seeking life and wisdom is the beginning of prosperity. Throwing oneself to the Divine will is the safest place to be but doing God’s work in one’s own power is dangerous and justifies the fears of the jealous. In the presence of the Holy, the ground itself is sanctified and deliverance is preached for the Tetragramation is a incomprehensible question and answer. Courage is a gift and curse. The א made man’s lips showing His power in Human frailty so one prays “Lord, or God, open my lips that my mouth may speak of Your Glory.”

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