Those who curse their ancestors have no room for the divine. Our foundations are deeply rooted in faith, built upon the bedrock of belief in God. The West, once established on divine principles, now turns away from the very source of its virtue. John Willis wrote in his book “Isaiah,” “ By way of contrast, God's people are insensitive as inanimate objects. The live as God had do nothing for them.” (pg. 65, Sweet Publishing;1980) Christendom has become pagan.
Oy! You have all turned into
criminals, forsaking the Almighty. What was once holy has become tarnished.
Even after divine retribution, the rebellion persists. The ravages of Corona
have left you blind to your lingering sickness. Leprosy will claim its toll,
yet you spurn the Lord's healing embrace. Homelessness devours Western cities,
and immigration surges uncontrollably. Only the Jews are assured a remnant.
Listen Sodom! Do you really
think the Holy One like your veneer of religiousness? He cannot stand your
meaningless giving. Christmas and Easter are man mad so He despises them. True
sacrifice is a repentant heart a David wrote in
Ps 51:17, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a
contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” NASU Salvation only comes by
faith in the Messiah . Though Him alone you may purified from sin as Isaiah
1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "
Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are
red like crimson, They will be like wool.” NASU If you refuse, you will eat the
The great cities of the West skank for new perversion
but hate justice. Inflation is destroying them. Leadership has turned from His
truth. Every one is taking bribes. Old line denominations have watered down
Bible as St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book One” this:
every teacher who turns the strictness of Scriptures into agreeableness, the
strictness through which he is able to chastise his audience, and who speaks in
such a way that he does not correct the hearers but delights them, he violates
and corruptsthe wine of the holy Scriptures by his own meaning. (Pg. 87-88,
tranlated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)
So, God will become our
adversary. He will purify by destruction.
There is coming a final judgment and eternal peace. The
whole world will come to Jerusalem to know Truth. They will call to each other
to know Torah . Though divine justice peace will come as Iaiah 2:4 says this
“And He will
judge between the nations,
And will render decisions for many
And they will hammer their swords
into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
And never again will they learn
war. “
Even as the the UN wrote that
on their wall, we should walk in the Light of the Lord. You have abandoned your
people. Materialism has become your god. The Occult has replaced worship. But
in that day of peace, idolatry will be lost for the Lord will destroy them.
Isaiah wrote in the 2:22 of his book, “Stop regarding man, whose breath of life
is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”NASU
Listen fat Westerners and elected officials! Look at the
leaders that have been elected. Their qualification is normalcy and lack that. God has given us incompetent
leaders. All people will be opressed. St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on
Isaiah:Book 2” this:
When the
youth become rules and mockers of the Lord of the kind the prophetic discourse
is describing , then no order rank or age or knowledge will be preserved, but
boys will rebel against old men and ignoble against nobles, and they will
mutually fall. (Pg. 115 translated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)
The West has fallen, as the revolted against
the Glory of God. Even in this, you still can be saved. St. Jerome wrote latter
in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book 2,” “ The people who are deceived because
because of simplicity and inexperience are still called the people of God and
the reason they are judged is so they can be saved” (Pg.119 translated by
Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)
There is a germ of holiness
left. One Day is coming a day when all people will bow to Messiah. The dead
will be raised and He will Judge them. Those not in the Book of Life are cast
into hell.
Sin must become shocking again.
Jean Cauvin wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah: Volume I.” “But for this, they would have flattered
themselves too much in their crimes, and would not have patiently listened to
any instructions.” (pg 125 Christian Classics Ethereal Library) As God has blessed the
West,He expects it to be holy, but it is wicked. St. Jerome wrote in his
“Commentary on Isaiah:Book 2”“But God's help
is taken away from those who are unworthy in order that, since they had
not perceived through his benefits, they may perceive him though his punishment.”
(Pg.132 translated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)
There is a housing crisis caused by the greed of
speculators against the poor. God will bring them to ruin. Work will become
dross. This is how the Tribes were Lost. The Lord institutes what is
righteousness and brings justice. The
great cites of the West are ruined. Cursed is everyone who blesses transgender,
homosexuality, pork or anything else the Lord condemns. Oy! Alcohol is the
This is why everything is going bad. Groceries are higher
because you rejected the Law of the Lord. God brought global warming. The
enemies against the West have endurance because the Lord has blessed them.
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