Thursday, May 18, 2017

A country lacks greatness when a country lacks goodness.
What is held above the divine is why a society falls. When God breaks and disperses his own people for their sins, the Word is given to the whole world. Dispersion of God’s people scatters the Word to the ends of the earth. There is an end to the reaches of pity. Exchanging products often blinds people to the fall of a society. --The flame of a country leaves when the idle of jealousy is erected, but it is the abominable practices which were at one time secret that are now open to all. Moral deviance is why there cannot be pity. When one denies God, Hell is released, but the Covenant is protected.
Western Society did not start great, but its greatness was found in becoming Christendom;  ( Christianity in many ways formed the culture by which one defines civility. ) however, the idols its own mind started to decay it. Civilizations fall in part due to the prevalence sexual debauchery. The cultures that the West replaced were not as debouched as Modern Western Civilization. Romans 1:19-32 describes it:
19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and, although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

If one violates his alliance with God, then one should not ask the Lord for help in breaking other promises. One’s primarily reason for failure is one’s own sin.only the righteous can truly rule. Sin brings death but repentance of the wicked brings life. Judgment is for the protection of those around him.

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