The heart is deceitful and those who fallow it are lost.
Adoni ordain one man for one woman who both are bound in righteousness to
Hashem, but when one chooses the passions of the heart death attends. Love which is not bound to Hashem is a
murderer and is a patriotic concern as it shows the crakes in a nation. Pride
tells all secrets to the enemy. Pride and lust destroy all those whom embrace
them or fallow them. If one repents, the Blessed’s power will come to him. Those
who seek the Eternal will find Him. Those who do His will find a special
God’s judgment will come until people return Him to His
place in their lives. God is not a lucky charm, but terribly shows himself to
humanity. His people will be equally judged as those who do not know Him. If
one repents, He may grant them victory for He is the only one who can bestow
shalom. The Set-apart One wants His people to be set apart. Man takes his fill
but the Divine blesses. That which is hidden, Adoni will revile. The humblest
has greatness if he seeks the Adoni in truth. Faith in leaders should never
replace faith in Adoni.
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