Thursday, May 21, 2015

The “soft shall overcome the hard” is Christ. Good news announced to the poor is the essence of Christ’s preaching. Those who prepared prove it. When persecution comes, the Gospel is the validity of the pain as martyr did not mean “one who died for belief” but “witness.” The hidden Light being the gospel is why so many cannot understand its Burning Aleph. That Aleph Light must be pursued as dark and light pursue each other. This will be expressed as compassion toward others. The power over the Peculiars can only be found while searching for the Light.

Justice and mercy are opposites yet the same and should pursue each other. Each exception is a declaration of the rule. Proving ones love in this search is far more important than “sacrifices.” It is said that the only way to find the path of opposites is purity. Purity is not found merely in not sinning for in the attempt one becomes evil. Bismarck and Hitler sought to purify their lands but became the dictators of evil empires.  A true heart for God is the beginning of purity which the impure respect but do not understand.

Simplify is the key to learning. Seek and believing are the beginning to purity and healing.   

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