The blood of righteousness demands judgment. Death will descend. Hand of the Lord must come down. The flame of the Lord is here to cleanse as St. Jerome wrote in “Book 1” of his “Commentary on Ezekiel” this:
“Although it afflicts terror and punishment, never the less it glows red with the “brightness” and is full of splendor. On that account it bakes us in order that it may bestow more joyous thing to those who have be purified and purged.” (Pg.20,Trans. Thomas P. Scheck: The Newman Press;2017)
As the “Fiddler on the Roof,”
the Sprint of the divine rests over the Jews in all lands they are dispersed to
judge the gentile world.
Idols are only representative
so we may define the Incomprehensible, so are demonic. Only the Holy One can
hold mercy and justice as one unit. The human mind is an idol so the divine can
never be completely understood by is as St. Jerome latter wrote in Book 1 of
his “Commentary on Ezekiel” this:
'But bodies are covered with two of them, for human knowledge is excludes, and a perfect viewing is not offered, since the Apostle says, “We know in part and we prophecy in part. But when the perfect comes the things that art in part will be destroyed.”' (Pg.26 Trans. Thomas P. Scheck: The Newman Press;2017)
We are a rebellious people. Our parents
hated the ways of the Lord. You refused to hear that you left the Truth. The
wrning comes that some may repent and find life as John Calvin wrote in his
“Commentary of Ezekiel Vol. 1” this:
“As to the reprobate, they are so frightened at the sight of God, that they utterly fall and never rise again. But it is different with the faithful, because the pride of the flesh is corrected in them; then God stretches forth his hand to them, and restores them, as it were, from death to life.” (pg.94)
To know truth, we must eat of His Word.
You have simple speech but refuse the
simple message of the Lord’s Love. You don’t want to listen because you have a
heart of stone and the forehead of a hooker; therefore, the Lord sent His
destroyer against you. Some of your hearts are ready to receive and repent.
Elohim's watchmen are
the Children of Elohim. The message is more important then its acceptance. Both
Chekina and Ark are concealed. The Watchmen of the Almighty must speak as long
as we have a message to say. Those who refuse to hear, so be it.
decided to destroy the West. The machines of war are already in place. The
Lord's judgment is upon us, and the machines of war are the instruments. We
must accept the responsibility for our own wickedness. Our food is
contaminated. You waste away in your own wickedness as Ezekiel 5:11 says,
“So as I live,’ declares the Lord GOD, ‘surely, because you have defiled My
sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations,
therefore I will also withdraw, and My eye will have no pity and I will not
spare.” NASU
hand of the divine will crush the idols of porn, transgender and all “holy”
WOKE culture. Your bodies will desecrate what you glorified. The Almighty has
cast out the West. For idolatry, the Holy scattered the Northern Tribes
becoming from Cherokee to Thai so He became their legend as Calvin wrote “I say
that God’s plans were partly explained to the exiles, that they might know why
God had driven them to distant lands: for this punishment would not have been
useful had not God convinced them of its cause.”(pg.218)
Although America
hasn't experienced war, COVID-19 has impacted the nation. People were stuck
moaning in their houses. Wealth was meaningless. Until we repent, the same will
continue in judgment.God brought coronavirus, food shortages and war. You are
having sex under every tree. The Divine hand is against all of that crap.
Devastation of the land will result in the Lord's presence being seen in the
West. The House of God has chosen idols. (They start with unkosher eating.)
They have accepted the abomination of the word in the services. Preachers love
to create an image of the divine. They focus on the Lord’s love and peace
forgetting sin as Ezekiel 13:10-11 says this:
"It is definitely because they
have misled My people by saying, ' Peace!' when there is no peace. And when anyone
builds a wall, behold, they plaster it over with whitewash; so tell those who
plaster it over with whitewash, that it will fall. A flooding rain will come,
and you, O hailstones, will fall; and a violent wind will break out.
It will end at the end of time. There is an end to mercy. Curses are on
curses. The Lord will judge everything we know. Ruin is prepared. The staff has
budded to show the divine choice, but we rejected the way of mercy. In the
Final Judgment, His messiah will judge with righteousness.