Thursday, March 31, 2016

Courage is not fond only in great deeds by also in anything that great effort is used. Vacuuming a church floor can be equally courageous if the same passion in applied. It is passion in a task that is courage. Responsibilities create honor regardless of how unknown the responsibilities are. Giving others the honor that one deserves is an element of courage. In this one requests the one whom honor is given to accept courage. The work of God is for the honor of God alone. All honor should be given to Adoni our Maker because He gave us the work to do.

It has been said that the greatest thing stopping a thing competition is discussing it because the job is greater than the discussion. Our Hands must be strengthened by God if we are to do Adoni’s work for it is He who will humiliate gainsayers of a job will prove one’s pure intention. The only exemption from hard labor is God’s work for in the work of HaShem all who work will be honored. Likewise in pleaser God must be honored. When one sins one must remember the history that was given them and put off the evil to which one was bound. God is faithful when we are unfaithful. Regardless of work and responsibilities we must rest when God commands.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

It is said that if one fails to plan, one plans to fail for the lust of man has no bottom, but all must attend with grace a Godly and peaceful path remembering the promises which were made to other people and fallowing the divine Law realizing one must always complete what one’s ancestor’s begun and there is a place of mercy and remembering the sacredness of life. Only by Divine wisdom can anyone make plans, accept all responsibilities and truly have wealth. But, one’s first priority is to seek to show God’s greatness is everything that one does.

For all one’s wisdom and plans, it is companions that are still a venerability, and scripture does not allow avoiding all people so that one must find a medium between two ideas. Tikkunolam or healing the nations requires show the great kindness of HaShem, but we need to guard our hearts to love the Holy One and give true worth to Him alone for such is how one detaches from Elihanu. If one refuses Adoni what one has will be taken and lead others astray. One cannot hide from the punishment of God. HaShem is greater than nation allegiances. One should test all spirit who claim holiness if they are of God. But, even with this if we are unfaithful, He is faithful; therefore, we should cut off uncleanness from our lives.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The spirit of Adoni moves convicting the hearts of men and bringing strength to the weak, and protecting them from the problems that surround them. It is the Set Apart One who lifts up nations and subdues kings. Only by Adoni there is safety and the Scripture is power. Humanity fails when the arm of flesh is preferred. God can only be invoked on His terms. Those who refuse to wait on Hashem will lose their blessing. All battles must be given to God. Faith and obedience are always greater then laws.

                Grace is to be given with an open hand to others as God in his mercy has given it to all. Buy this, we show the true nature of the love of God. It is this idea which confounds those who seek evil toward others. If God bring Shalom, even one’s enemies will find it. If one chooses to remain in sin, then Adoni keeps silent as punishment of the one. One’s testimony for Jesus is more important than wealth. Only by faith in the Set Apart One can one find victory in failure.

Vermont- Green

The mourn of the tinker’s song and the smoke of torched breathe to the North Sea winds that I am Clan Morrison. The tao of meditation music and the scent of pine soot breathe that I am an artist.  As a Southerner and a Texan, I have a deep respect for independent regions and Vermont was a free country from its declaration of independence in 1777 until it joined the union in 1791 after sorting things out with New York. (It was the fourteenth state.) The young republic was the people who actually seized Fort Ticonderoga. Benedict Arnold was original the most loyal to the United States of the Green Mountain Boys. The name supposedly is from Samuel de Champlain trying to navigate the namesake lake yelled “Les verts monts!!” (Apparently, New Englanders cannot spell.) He also gave the name to the Green Mountain range. It is also known for marble. I was a balladeer in collage.


Vermont has an interesting mycology. Behind everything is the Great Eddy Bridge. It was built in 1833 and is currently operating. The bracings were added in the 1970’s. Vermont has the highest concentration of covered bridges of any other state. Everything is on the porch of one of the famed “Hunting Lodges” in the state. These are mansions that where built 1800’s for fames “robber barons.” The log handed cup is a traditional maple syrup ladle. According to Algonquin legend, a chief hit a maple tree and his wife took the sap thinking it was water but when the meat was boiled in it was sweet so the named the sap “sinzibukwud,” sweet buds. Original the trees were taped to make sugar until tin cans were invented to keep the syrup. Sap collection was sped up in 1959 with plastic pipes. The ski pole next to it is for the skiing industry which was started by Norwegians to get threw snow closed roads.  The creation of ski lifts in the 1930’scaused the industry to blossom. The little pot on the bottom right is for Vermont pottery which started after the American Revolution. The bird on the handle is a hermit thrush (became state bird 1941) which was not given a song until it ate nearly all the insects. The flower against the ladle is the state flower red clover.  It is 9” x 12,” drawn with pencil and white charcoal and completed 2014.

 The name of this piece is Église de Sante Louis, is 5.5” x 8.5” and drawn with pencil July 2013. I drew this picture during my summer school class in Blois, France. The cathedral was next to my bus stop.  I drew the whole time I was there. (My camera kept braking down.) I drew it the last week I was there. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my work email me at to order.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Obedience to God and honoring those who helped are paramount in anything. In order to open a victory, God must do the greatest work and we must reject what he has condemned. Faith in one’s own abilities alone is the beginning of destruction. When one fails when one isn’t trusting Adoni it is one’s own fault. Sin and pride are bound to failure. After victory, one must indulge in the Torah for only thought consulting the Divine can there be victory. Peace requires cunning, but allies are created by God.

When a Christian accepts sin into one’s life, Divine strength becomes a toy with which to play. Those who enjoyed evil are the quickest to condemn it.    The divine protection becomes a play thing. Integrity is lost to pleaser. El Shaddi will remove the special protection and such one will only know it after one’s defeat and becomes a trophy of the Devil. To that one, Idolatry becomes worship of Hashem.  Evil decays everything. The last remnant of holiness will be taken by holier people, but that evil destroys what is around it. Solitary evil can be destroyed but cultural evil is a matter of repentance.