Thursday, September 5, 2024

How do we stand before God? (Job 1-5

 True love for the Lord is to obey His Law not out of fear or reward but love. Out of our reverence of the Lord, we fight evil. Not only for ourselves, should we likewise make intersession for others. Our safest place is in the arms of the divine even when it brings troubles. Calvin preached in His “First Sermon upon the First Chapter” of Job this:“Upon the sight of such an issue we may conclude, that there is nothing better, than to submit ourselves unto God, and to suffer peaceably whatsoever he sends us, until he deliver us of his own mere goodness.” (Pg. 1/38 Arther Golding 1574 Lucus Harris)

All people stand before the Lord naked. The Lord holds satan not to destroy us but to test the children of the Lord to purify us to being vessel by which God can use us. We can only be touched obey the devil as much as the Lord allows. The Lord's Name should be praised whether we gain or lose. God's answer to the problem of pain is wisdom. Paige-Patric J D Samuels wrote in his paper “JOB AND SUFFERING,” “God answers another question, that of the source of wisdom. He provides the definite answer he is wise.”( Pg.3 0 The greater trial is when we receive physical pain or family curse us.

Only Spanish and East Asians paint vibrantly in black. When we rest in pain, our vibrancy is like Japanese ink paintings with each stain simplified to a simple stroke of black. Our birth should be cursed for life is the beginning of bitterness, but a righteous man suffers more as even the Prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 20:14, “Cursed be the day when I was born; Let the day not be blessed when my mother bore me!” NASU Night is a welcome friend of pain. One then asks why we did not expire in our mother's womb. Pain exists until our final rest. Life is the white contrast to painfully vibrant, black brushstrokes.

Pain never guards silence for words are risk for some comfort. In health, we are quick to give advice to those who stumble, but pain causes us to groan. Our faith is our assurance is troubles for our Hope is found in the arms of the divine. God moves to convict men of sin. God's Justice confounds the wise making them stupid. Man is born to suffering for our recourse is the divine. The prophet Micah wrote in Micah 7:8 “Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.” NASU  


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Where do you Look? Amos 5-6

 Listen and Obey the Lord for people sing mocking us. Desolation has been determined. But, we need to repent on a personal level as Amos wrote in  Amos 5:4, 'For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel, " Seek Me that you may live.””NASU John Calvin wrote in Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets Vol.2, “We have elsewhere said that men cannot be led to repentance, unless they believe that God will be propitious to them; for all who think him to be implacable, ever flee away from him, and dread the mention of his name.”(Pg. 249

You change the right into poison. The Lord created the stars and puts the robbed above the stong. The attributes of the Mystical YHVH are pitying the sinner, gracing the repentant, ruling, sympathizing to suffering, loving concern, long-suffering, abounding in mercy, verifying, remembering human merit, understanding, forgiving, atoning, and seeing guilt. He will ruin your citadels seek right and do it Charlie sonos wrote “Ethical and moral concern goes hand in hand. Seeking well and seeking God are not to be separated.” (sonos, Charlie. “The Exegesis of Amos 5:18-27.” Sonoma Adventist College, 2020.)

We should not seek the Second Coming. It brings darkness from the pan to the fire. God hates our feasts. When you offer gifts, The Lord will abhor them and hates your music. The prophet Samuel said  in 1 Sam 15:22, ' Samuel said, " Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.”'NASU

America must look and see that greater empires then her have fallen. There is no Soviet Union anymore. America is fat and over sexed. The Lord is against America.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

What Does Love got to do with it? Hosea 5-7

 Listen! The Lord is the same for all people. He wants Holiness but the West has become a plague.  We have replaced obedience to the Lord with the our own way. John Calvin wrote in his “COMMENTARIES ON THE TWELVE MINOR PROPHETS (Vol. 1)” this:

“That our sacrifices then may please God, they must be according to the rule of his word;for ‘obedience,’ as it has been said already, ‘is better than all sacrifices,’ (1 Samuel 15:22.)But when men retake themselves to false forms of worship or such as are invented, nothing then is holy or acceptable to God, but an abominable filth.” (Pg. 175 Christian Classics Ethereal Library )

The Lord knows us, but we do not know Him. We are all fallen. If we lack true repentance , we will never find Him. God's Judgment is coming. All will be broken by it. In pain, we seek the enemy for deliverance but will not find healing. For the Almighty , He is is the Lion of Judah seeks to deliver. In distress, they will find His presence as Hosea wrote in Hosea 5:15 “I will go away and return to My place Until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.”NASU  

Come and return to the Lord. The same Lord who brought judgment can bring restoration is we seek Him completely. We need to search to know the Lord. Jack Riggs wrote in his book “Hosea's Heartbreak, ”A persistent, diligent endeavor to know the Lord can result only in His blessing.” (Pg. 103; Loizeaux brothers 1983) The Lord prefers love above all else, but we broke His covenant. Our love is lost so He must judge.

When God would heal, the sin was to great. The West are sex addicts. Our evil is open to all. Because of sin God is hiding His Spirit. No one calls on the Lord. The Most High wants to bless.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What Warnings and Messages Will You not Hear? (Jeremiah 1-5)

 You have become pagans. The Almighty has created monsters to draw us to Himself. Chrysostom wrote in his Homilies on I Corinthians 29.2., “And God drives them not only by compulsion but also by advising, exhorting, threatening. He does not darken their mind, because to cause distraction, madness and great darkness is the proper work of a demon.” Consecration is put on some to worn of the wrath coming. The coming wrath of God supersedes human objection. The Lord will ruin the West.

The Holy One has set before you His Branch which will judge the nations. The Branch is both loving and judge. In righteousness, we quickly receive the terror that we bring on ourselves for our evil, however, that same Branch gives mercy to those who repent from their evil and seek Him alone in faith. Divine wrath is already coming down on the West. 

It is said that God established America with the National motto being “In God We Trust.” But, Only Israel is uniquely God's own. The West has a history of faith in the Holy One with its history of apostasy as if the Lord ignored them. The prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 2:5 'Thus says the LORD, " What injustice did your fathers find in Me, That they went far from Me And walked after emptiness and became empty? “'NASU The pilgrims did not question God, but you create the gods of your own minds.

We has commuted two evils. First, we rejected the pure Living Water of the divine. Second we worship our own intellect. (Our intellect does not hold water.) We are pillaged. Our cities are crime capitals. Chrysostom wrote in his Homilies on Repentance and Alms-giving 1.4.27 'Allowing them to be educated through punishment, he said to them, “Your apostasy shall correct you, and wickedness shall reprove you.”'

Sex is the status quo. We skank for new mates. God gave freedom and purity, but man chose the darkness of his own heart. God founded us in rightness, we gave evil fruit. John Calvin wrote in his “Commentary on Jeremiah: Vol I”

“For on this condition, and for this end, they were redeemed by God, — that they might consecrate themselves wholly to him. God then now condemns the people for their ingratitude, because they thought that the yoke was shaken off, that they might be, as we shall hereafter find, like untamable wild beasts.”(pg. 108 Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

How can you say that you are the pinnacle of civilization? You are lost. You call the tree your father because you worship you thoughts. A woman remembers her jewelry, but you cannot remember the Lord. We have refused to help the poor. You are not innocent for divine anger is kindled against you.

If the Lord “divorced” the West, He would be right. (He never divorced Israel.) We have become a nation of whores. God has turn nature against the West with global warming, but she has no shame. You have done evil so the Lord will have His way.

The Lost Tribes are hidden because they sinned. The USSR fell because they lacked a god. The West saw the Soviets and chose to reject the Lord. It will fall for the same cause.

The Lord has placed souvenirs of His love and wants us to serve Him Only. I the West repents from their sins, the Wests former greatness will return. The repentance must be sincere breaking up the hardness of our hearts as John Calvin wrote latter in His “Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations: Vol I” this:

“They indeed testify by their youth that they seek God, but yet have recourse to subterfuges: and hence I have said that this passage is remarkably useful, so that we may know that God cannot be pacified by those fallacious trifles which hypocrites bring forward, but that he requires a sincere heart, and that he abominates all dissimulation.” (Pg. 209 Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

Look to preparation. God will bring judgment on the West. We need to lament for of sins because the Lord is angry with us. As a desert wind the wrath of the Holy One comes. Clean your heart of wickedness and you will be saved. When the world sees our destruction, they will know that it is because we turned from the Lord.

Americans are stupid. They comprehend nothing. The world now is without rhyme or reason. The fertile land is a desert. The land is already devastated. The army cannot stop the Almighty. In vain you seek beauty. The Messiah now comes to judge. If you search a righteous person in any western country in the poorest areas, you will find no one who is even good. They refuse to accept the Lord's lesson though His kindness or punishment. The educated elite by their education deny the Lord.

God judged Israel with Western civilization, so will the West be judged. One should ask if the Lord should pardon the West. The Lord's children have abandoned Him.  Jeremiah rightly wrote in Jeremiah 5:21, 'Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear. NASU. The West is so far gone, perhaps it is wrong to even pray for America.

 Clement of Alexandria wrote in his Stromateis 3.17.102. 1-3, “But it is when a man, swollen with lust, really and truly wants to go to bed with a woman not his own, that that sort of man actually becomes a wild beast.” 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

What are You Waiting For? (Isaiah 25-27)

 Divine Consciousness shines gloriously through His creation, casting judgment that topples even the greatest cities. Yet, the Lord hears the cries of the impoverished, offering refuge to the beggar in her suffering. Like a relentless drought, the Almighty subdued Israel's foes. Through Him, all can be made new as St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah: Book 8,” 'Moreover, “they will be anointed with anointment,” so  that those who have been reborn in Christ may be made into a new people.' (399  tranlated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

There is coming a day when death will be no more. The Lord will wipe away our tears. Then every knee will bow to the Lord and declare Him their hope. Our strong points He will destroy. His capital will be Jerusalem where the poor will live. Open your doors to the King of Glory.

Our confidence is found in the eternal Rock of God. The just path may be hard but is smooth. Our hope must be found in the lord because he opens himself to our despair. His Name, we must desire. There is people for those who focus on the divine as Isaiah spoke in Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”KJV

The Devil has already been defeated. In the End of Days, The Lord will feed the righteous  Satan's servant Leviathan. John Calvin taught in His “Commentary on Isaiah: volume 2,” “In this manner he intended to meet many doubts by which we are continually assailed, when God declares that he will assist us, and when we experience, on the other hand, the strength, craft, and deceitfulness of Satan.” (pg.199 Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

God loves the world but holds Israel as special. In the reign of Messiah , all people will make peace with Israel. The Lord scattered the Lost Tribes to show His greatness but One day the Tribes will come home.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Where Will You be Struck as You Stray? (Isaiah 1-5)

 Those who curse their ancestors have no room for the divine. Our foundations are deeply rooted in faith, built upon the bedrock of belief in God. The West, once established on divine principles, now turns away from the very source of its virtue. John Willis wrote in his book “Isaiah,” “ By way of contrast, God's people are insensitive as inanimate objects. The live as God had do nothing for them.” (pg. 65, Sweet Publishing;1980) Christendom has become pagan.

Oy! You have all turned into criminals, forsaking the Almighty. What was once holy has become tarnished. Even after divine retribution, the rebellion persists. The ravages of Corona have left you blind to your lingering sickness. Leprosy will claim its toll, yet you spurn the Lord's healing embrace. Homelessness devours Western cities, and immigration surges uncontrollably. Only the Jews are assured a remnant.

Listen Sodom! Do you really think the Holy One like your veneer of religiousness? He cannot stand your meaningless giving. Christmas and Easter are man mad so He despises them. True sacrifice is a repentant heart a David wrote in  Ps 51:17, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” NASU Salvation only comes by faith in the Messiah . Though Him alone you may purified from sin as Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, " Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool.” NASU If you refuse, you will eat the sword.

The great cities of the West skank for new perversion but hate justice. Inflation is destroying them. Leadership has turned from His truth. Every one is taking bribes. Old line denominations have watered down Bible as St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book One” this:

And every teacher who turns the strictness of Scriptures into agreeableness, the strictness through which he is able to chastise his audience, and who speaks in such a way that he does not correct the hearers but delights them, he violates and corruptsthe wine of the holy Scriptures by his own meaning. (Pg. 87-88, tranlated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

So, God will become our adversary. He will purify by destruction.

There is coming a final judgment and eternal peace. The whole world will come to Jerusalem to know Truth. They will call to each other to know Torah . Though divine justice peace will come as Iaiah 2:4 says this

 “And He will judge between the nations,

And will render decisions for many peoples;

And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

 Nation will not lift up sword against nation,

And never again will they learn war. “


Even as the the UN wrote that on their wall, we should walk in the Light of the Lord. You have abandoned your people. Materialism has become your god. The Occult has replaced worship. But in that day of peace, idolatry will be lost for the Lord will destroy them. Isaiah wrote in the 2:22 of his book, “Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”NASU

Listen fat Westerners and elected officials! Look at the leaders that have been elected. Their qualification is normalcy and  lack that. God has given us incompetent leaders. All people will be opressed. St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book 2” this:

When the youth become rules and mockers of the Lord of the kind the prophetic discourse is describing , then no order rank or age or knowledge will be preserved, but boys will rebel against old men and ignoble against nobles, and they will mutually fall. (Pg. 115 translated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

 The West has fallen, as the revolted against the Glory of God. Even in this, you still can be saved. St. Jerome wrote latter in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book 2,” “ The people who are deceived because because of simplicity and inexperience are still called the people of God and the reason they are judged is so they can be saved” (Pg.119 translated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

There is a germ of holiness left. One Day is coming a day when all people will bow to Messiah. The dead will be raised and He will Judge them. Those not in the Book of Life are cast into hell.

Sin must become shocking again. Jean Cauvin wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah: Volume I.” “But for this, they would have flattered themselves too much in their crimes, and would not have patiently listened to any instructions.” (pg 125 Christian Classics Ethereal Library) As God has blessed the West,He expects it to be holy, but it is wicked. St. Jerome wrote in his “Commentary on Isaiah:Book 2”“But God's help  is taken away from those who are unworthy in order that, since they had not perceived through his benefits, they may perceive him though his punishment.” (Pg.132 translated by Thomas Scheck:2015, The Newman Press)

There is a housing crisis caused by the greed of speculators against the poor. God will bring them to ruin. Work will become dross. This is how the Tribes were Lost. The Lord institutes what is righteousness  and brings justice. The great cites of the West are ruined. Cursed is everyone who blesses transgender, homosexuality, pork or anything else the Lord condemns. Oy! Alcohol is the hero.

This is why everything is going bad. Groceries are higher because you rejected the Law of the Lord. God brought global warming. The enemies against the West have endurance because the Lord has blessed them.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Does the Covenant's return result in blessings or consequences? (2 Samuel 6-7)

 When we invoke the divine, we must do do in the proper way. We must never take God for granted. We must carry the Lord in us. Paul Evans wrote in his book “1-2 Samuel,” “Modern Christians often so emphasize God's love and forgiveness that we forget God is not safe.”( Pg.354, Zondervan; 2018) To invoke the Holy One , we must approach with holiness sanctifying ourselves to the Lord.  

It is easy to note that houses of the the Lord do not hold the same magnificence of the greatest estates. This is meant to be as one up ward instead of earthly magistracy. We try to create an image of the Lord in our minds. That is sin, for the Lord raised us up to where we are.. John Goldingay wrote in his book “1&2 for Everyone,” “God's problem with us is that we like to tie God down, keep God under control. We don't want God on the loose. God likes to be on the loose.” (Pg. 134, Westminster John Knox Press:2011)

The Lord wants to live among us. The attributes of the Mystical YHVH are pitying the sinner, gracing the repentant, ruling, sympathizing to suffering, loving concern, long-suffering, abounding in mercy, verifying, remembering human merit, understanding, forgiving, atoning, and seeing guilt. He made King David glorious for out of him came the Messiah. When the Messiah rules , Israel will dwell in peace.

The Holy One chooses the lesser things to have greatness. Man is small there is nothing like the Lord. May the Lord bring peace in our time.